
Spring series, part 2: @Qualifier and @Resource

Last time I talked about @Primary and @Autowire as a useful means of dependency injection. Today I will brief you on how @Autowire compares to its more standard counterpart @Resource and demonstrate @Qualifier as a handy complement to @Autowire. Both @Autowire and @Resource serve the same purpose, i.e. finding the right bean, but work in…


Spring series: @Primary

With a recent upgrade of my favorite framework I was thinking a short recap wouldn’t harm. This very first post, from a series of articles on Spring’s features I find interesting, deals with intricacies of injecting the right bean out of a range of suitable candidates. If you are keen to learn about the trade-offs when…

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Spring MVC, TeeOutputStream, grep4j and How it All Fits Together

Grep4j caters for an easy search in log files. Since it is really easy to use and simple enough  I could not resist the temptation to try it out. I came up with a simple scenario: Let’s use Spring MVC to conduct a small JSON-based web app, capture the exchanged requests and responses in a…


Mobile Apps on Spring

Once again, I could not resist the temptation to get some hands-on experience with another goody of Spring’s. Spring Mobile has been around for a good while and much has been said about it already. Thus this post remains concise and focused on specific features. I took a closer look at device resolution and site preference…