
Scala SBT project template ready to be imported into Eclipse

Surprising as it sounds, Eclipse doesn’t support sbt out of the box, not even in the Scala IDE. At least I wasn’t able to find a way of how to generate an sbt project from within Eclipse. Hence, I wrote my own bash script which generates a ready-to-use Eclipse-compliant minimalistic sbt project. The script sbt-eclipse.sh (see…


How to make Eclipse aware of Gradle dependencies

Some time ago, I blogged about Gradle support in Eclipse. One feature I failed to spot was an automatic import of Gradle dependencies. The pain point for me was that whenever I successfully built the project (in Eclipse using the Gradle plugin!) I was still getting compilation errors as the IDE wouldn’t automatically add the relevant JARs…

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JaCoCo beats Cobertura when it comes to Java 8 support

I’ve recently reached out for Cobertura to add test coverage reporting to one of my project. One of the first challenges I’ve face was integrating the plugin into a project powered by Gradle. Turns out there is a Gradle version of the plugin available (credit: Steve Saliman). https://gist.github.com/zezutom/8526e229a4ab01d7a69f The problem I was unable to work around when using Cobertura was…


Make the most of the logs when running Gradle tests

Both Maven and Gradle generate nicely formatted HTML reports. Moreover, Maven’s Surefire plugin outputs all essential information directly to the terminal. That provides an instant access to stack trace (in case of failures), logs from individual tests etc. Also, there is a nice summary at the end: [bash] ——————————————————- T E S T S ——————————————————- Running com.mycompany.app.AppTest Tests run:…