Code coverage abstraction
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Unlocking Test Coverage in Kotlin Multiplatform with JaCoCo and GitHub Actions – Part 1

Kotlin Multiplatform unlocks new possibilities for developing cross-platform applications. However, this innovative approach does not come without its complexities. Especially when delving into its specific Gradle configuration. One of the challenges is establishing a reliable, automated test coverage report – an integral part of maintaining code quality and integrity. In this mini-series, we’ll learn how to leverage JaCoCo Gradle plugin to generate code coverage reports. Additionally, we’ll leverage GitHub Actions to generate a coverage badge independently from any third-party platform. This approach simplifies the process by keeping everything within the GitHub ecosystem, providing a seamless workflow for your multi platform projects.

Java Memory Model

Java owes its success largely to the promise of consistent behavior across different platforms – write once, run anywhere. Java Virtual Machine (JVM) plays a crucial role in providing guarantees about program execution regardless of the underlying hardware and operating system. One of the apparent challenges are performance optimizations. Program instructions don’t necessarily execute in…

HBase and why you should care about a distributed mode

I’ve just thrown HBase onto my Hadoop stack and immediately ran into troubles with Zookeeper: Could not start ZK at requested port of 2181 Had I bothered checking the docs, I’d have found out that Hbase runs in two modes – Standalone and Distributed. The standalone mode is, quite logically, the default one. In such a case…