Feature entitlements

From Access to Assets: Understanding Entitlements in Membership Plans

Many businesses offer tiered membership plans, each with its unique set of features. This strategy allows businesses to distinguish themselves and stay competitive. These feature sets are typically referred to as entitlements. Meaning that customers are entitled to specific features included in their membership level. However, managing feature accessibility based on membership tiers can be challenging. In this article, we will explore two different platforms designed to make this process easier.

Efficient use of Stripe

Use Stripe Efficiently: Rate Limiting and Data Caching

Successful integration of payment processing platforms requires careful considerations about performance and reliability of your service. Whether you are gearing up for a major sales campaign or experiencing unexpected spikes in payment or billing-related requests, optimization techniques and strategic approach to caching are likely at the top of your todo list. This guide breaks down how rate limiting works with Stripe and how to handle peak traffic smoothly. We will also explore data caching practices with respect to PCI DSS compliance, ensuring your application runs efficiently without breaking privacy and security standards.

Stripe Series Summary

Your Cheat Sheet to Mastering Payment Automation with Stripe

More than two months ago, I embarked on a journey to create a hands-on series about payment automation using Stripe. Writing the series has been an enjoyable and rewarding experience, and now the time has come to wrap it up. I hope you’ll find this final post useful. It summarizes all the essential points and provides links to the original articles, which are filled with detailed explanations and code examples. Consider it a cheat sheet that you can use as a point of reference at your convenience. Thank you for following along, and for all your insightful comments.

Stripe webhooks
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Checking Payment Status in Stripe with Webhooks

Getting timely updates about payments is crucial for maintaining smooth operational flows. Especially for businesses that rely heavily on e-commerce or offer subscription-based services. Stripe provides a robust solution for this through the use of webhooks, allowing for real-time notifications on various payment events. This blog post aims to shed light on how to automate and instantly reflect payment status changes. By understanding and implementing webhooks, developers and business owners can ensure their systems are more responsive in handling financial transactions online.

Checkout with Stripe Java SDK
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Building a Basic Payment System Using Stripe API

In today’s digital era, offering seamless payment options is crucial for the success of online businesses. Stripe stands out as a comprehensive and flexible solution to accept payments online. This post will guide you step-by-step on how to create a simple and automated payment system using Stripe, ensuring a smooth checkout process for your customers.